Essential fats Omega-3 is one of the most important essential polyunsaturated fats that we must get through food, the body cannot manufacture it on its own. What else is Omega-3...
Hormonal imbalance - what can be done?
Common signs of hormonal imbalance The symptoms of hormonal imbalance can vary depending on which glands or hormones are out of balance. Hormones work together, which means that if one...
Protect your skin from the sun from the inside
Tomatoes, grapefruit and watermelon Tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene, an antioxidant pigment belonging to the carotenoids, which may play a role in protecting against sunburn. In one study,...
Hormonal imbalance for men
När kroppen producerar för mycket eller för lite av ett hormon drabbas vi av hormonell obalans. Tillfällig obalans är inte farlig i sig, men på sikt kan det påverka hälsan...
D drops for small children The Swedish Food Agency recommends giving D-drops to children under 2 years of age. Some children can stop taking them after 2 years, while other...
We constantly encounter bacteria and viruses in our environment, but it is far from every time we get sick. We only become that when our immune system for some reason...
Why is vitamin D important? Vitamin D is necessary for your bones and teeth to grow and function normally. In addition, vitamin D helps the body's mucous membranes effectively fight...
Why is magnesium important? Magnesium is a mineral that is crucial for several of the body's functions. Among other things, it helps to keep track of blood pressure, keep the...
This is how you build beautiful skin from the inside out
Eat a nutritious diet Eat a nutritious diet with good fats from, for example, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil and nuts. Also lots of greens and fruit rich in antioxidants....
Stressed out? The solution may be in your evening routine
Start your evening routine and get evening peace by disconnecting Be sure to turn off all electronics when you start winding down for the evening. The screen light can disturb...